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CiRCLE 7 creates & produces independent film, theater & audio, specializing in character-driven stories & sharp satires that explore life in modern America with authenticity & irreverence.
CiRCLE 7 has partnered with exceptional, award-winning artists to produce short satire collection Soggy Crackers (No Excuses, #Lemonade, Piano Lesson, The Bathroom Diaries) ... indie feature comedy The Weekend (with Sunnyside Films & 1091 Pictures), which was filmed in real time with a superb cast ... original and revived plays staged in NYC including Jesse Garon Lives and One for the Road ... sports podcast The Buckeye Brothers, which covered Ohio State football from 2012-16 ... a growing library of audiobooks in genres including thriller, sci-fi, comedy and romance ... and upcoming releases including AiR, a playful mock-rock-doc, Stuffies of the Old West, an R-rated puppet comedy, Sapien Static, a satirical audio journey into the heart of America, and Ellie & The Boy, a dramatic short film directed by Michael Izquierdo, about one man & two surprising visitors...
Founded by Brian Avers, CiRCLE 7 has showcased remarkable performers including Amber Gray, Heather Lind, Steven Boyer, Carson Elrod, Kelly Hutchinson, Julie Sharbutt, Bhavesh Patel, Stacey Yen, Jeremy Rishe, Lindsay Chambers, Liz Wisan, Angelique Cabral, & more.
WHEN iN DOUbT . . . CiRCLE 7!
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